Our vision
We envision Sociocratic United Nations (SUN), legally based on the Sociocratic Circle Constitution[1], in which every individual, group, organisation, local community and country can develop as unique ecosystem based on mutual equivalence of individuals (Me), organizations (We) and their environments (It).
[1] Sociocratic Circle Constitution: SCN Norm 1000-3 Sociocratic Circle organisation Method, Patterns for application, Anchoring of SCM in legal terms, 6e edition 2018-2023, edited and developed by The Sociocracy Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Our mission
Our mission is to add the Sociocratic Circle organisation Method (SCM) to existing governance systems[1] and to support the transition to a better governance model that creates shared value for all.
[1] TSG Norm 1001 Decision making: patterns for application, the production of equivalency in decision making, 6e edition 2016-2020, edited and developed by The Sociocracy Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Our aim
Our aim is to provide our customers with a worldwide Sociocratic certified expertise that will help them grow and thrive as a learning ecosystem.
Our Business Model
To allow each participant to contribute to the development of the body of knowledge and best practices, TSG is developing as a Sociocratic Franchise Network,[1]
[1] A new kind of organisation that integrates: a business without owners in a traditional way ; a non-profit association creating shared profit for all and a Network with a hierarchy.
Learn about the four principles of sociocracy.