ZOOM by videoconference
Practical training sessions. Learn by experiencing.
Are you looking for a good way to become acquainted with the basics of Sociocracy and how you can improve the quality of your meetings?
Improve the effeciency of your meetings:
decide more in less time
Boost the quality and acceptance of decisions:
integrating all perspectives and align them with the common goal
Develop a learners attitude:
feel more safe to open up to feedback and try something new
TSG is 50 years experience, reference and developers of Sociocracy with Prof. Dr. Gerard Endenburg. A large network of certified experts operating in all continents through local offices. We are supporting thousands of companies and customers worldwide.
Sociocracy is most innovative organizational development method. Read more…
Sessions of 2 hours
Led by 2 sociocratic certified experts
In group of 8 to 10 participants
Learn by experiencing the techniques
Executives, leaders, and managers for team, project, HR, organizational development and communication.
Aspiring to improve the effectiveness related to organizational decision making processes in your organization, with a special focus on meetings.
MANAGERS of business and social organizations
Get to know innovative method for Organizational Development
Aspiring to complement your skills with the basic and principal aspects of the Sociocratic Circle Organization Method
These trainings are available in English, French and Spanish.
Stable Internet Connection
Readings, lecture notes, assignments
Pieter Van Der Meché
Pieter is actually the Managing Director of the continental A TSG branch. He has been applying sociocracy for nearly 30 years, and has implemented and taught sociocracy for hundreds of organizations.
Didier Escalon
Didier has been using sociocracy for more than a decade. He is actually leading the TSG Spanish office and has been certified as a sociocratic consultant. He is specialized in the management and administration of businesses.
Needed theory is shared in preparation for the sessions, the online meeting will be focused on applying sociocratic principles and tools.
Key topics that will be addressed:
We will never give up Sociocracy […] We have better motivated people; [our clients] know that we want to listen to them and that they are not a number or something.
Worker participation in decision making should be an integral part of the process of an organization for it to be really effective
Being able to speak up and raise your concerns — for some people that can be liberating … I’ve grown as an individual, as a dad, as a husband, because of [my experience with Sociocracy in my workplace].
The care industry has a very high turnover. Ours is pretty much non-existent.
Where as in games simple rules make for a complex and innovative play, the sociocratic construction rules produce an innovative and dynamic organization.